Thursday, November 7, 2019

Invention of Internet essays

Invention of Internet essays Throughout history, there are many inventions appeared in America. One of the big inventions is the internet. Since the computer invented, there aren ¡t so many ways people can do about the computer. Most of people didn ¡t even have one, only the big businesses and the military have them. The invention of the internet changed people ¡s point of view of using computers. Internet was created by an organization called ARPAnet, for the purpose of military use. It designed as a computer version of the nuclear bomb shelter, ARPanet protected the flow of information between military installations by creating a network of geographically separated computers that could exchange information through a protocol called NCP (Network Control Protocol). The idea came from Charles M. Herzfeld. He is the former director of ARPA, he says ARPAnet is not created only for military need, it also can be sharing information on researches for scientists, it came out only with limited number of large, powerful research computers in the country and that many research investigators who should have access where geographically separated from them. ARPA is stand for the Advanced Research Projects Agency. This is a branch of the military that develop top secret system and weapons during the cold war in America. The first connected the ARPAnet were the Four DEC PDP-10 computers. They were located in the respective computer research labs of UCLA, Stanford, UC Santa Barbara, and the University of Utah. The network expended, and different models of computer were connected, also they found problems of connecting them, because of different computer ¡s compatibilities are different. The solution was they changed a better set of protocols, which was called TCP/IP. In the year of 1971, an innovation occurred in ARPAnet, which is the email, or the electronic mail. This has the ability of sending messages to another person who has the network; this gave users m...

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