Monday, November 11, 2019

Free Fall

Measurements and Error Analysis, #1, Chris Abaca Discussion of differences The purpose of this experiment Is to understand why we have variances In measurements and how to reduce the variances. When taking a measurement there are multiple factors that affect its value. The more the measurement is taken the measurements average is closer to the actual value. Other factors include the instruments calibration, cleanliness of the inside of the measuring arms and human error In reading the measurements off of the measuring devices. For this experiment, we followed the procedures as Indicated In the lab manual.There are 3 variables that we have to take into account for calculating the density of the copper rod. The length plays the largest role in the uncertainty of the copper rod's density since it has the largest deviation. The Fernier calipers were the most accurate because it showed the smallest deviation. Our experiment carried out exactly how the theory explained it would. We measure d the same part a multitude of times and received varying data. Calculating the density from the averaged data made the value more accurate, and when combined with the standard deviation; our values for density became that much more accurate.

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