Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Islamic Auditing and Conventional Banking

Inspecting is an assessment and confirmation of an organization's budgetary and bookkeeping records and supporting archives by an expert, for example, a Certified Public Accountant. As indicated by AlBaraka, Islamic bank is a foundation that assembles budgetary assets and puts that cash trying to accomplish pre-decided islamically †satisfactory social and money related targets. Both assembly and speculation of cash ought to be led as per the standards of Islamic Sha’riah though as per Ustaz Hj Zaharuddin (2007) expressed that traditional bank works dependent on account holder loan boss relationships.For model, it is between investors (lender) and bank (indebted person); and borrowers (indebted person) and the bank (leaser). Regular bank expand benefit by charging enthusiasm to clients. Then again, Basu (2006) characterizes Audit report as â€Å"†¦ the archive to which examiner pass on his supposition about the reasonableness of the monetary statements†. The re view report is one of the essential pieces of correspondence utilized by examiners. The idea of the report must be clear and compact enough to be revealed and conveyed as its speaks to the auditor’s validity just as the level of obligation being undertake.Often the job of customary reviewer is to thought of a report looking at the believability of the budget summaries and whether the fiscal summaries are set up as per a pertinent and important inspecting standard. In any case, when alluding to the auditor’s report of Islamic Bank or the Sha’riah administrative report of an Islamic Bank, the extent of auditor’s report will be expanded. This is on the grounds that inspectors for Islamic banks should likewise confirm the consistence of the bank practice to that

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Wal-Mart Supply Chain Management Essay -- Wal-Mart Logistics

Retail super-goliath Wal-Mart has battled its approach to turning into the world's biggest organization. Quite a bit of their prosperity can be credited to giving an immense arrangement of items at uncommon costs all under one rooftop. Wal-Mart started tasks in 1964 and has since gotten the world pioneer in retail. Today, Wal-Mart is visited by 138 million clients every week at their 4,750 stores. Wal-Mart works under four fundamental guidelines so as to fulfill such countless clients: Regard the individual, give the best support of their clients, take a stab at greatness, and surpass client desires. Their corporate crucial on a worldwide development procedure through concentrated combination. The organization keeps on growing its existing markdown stores, stockrooms, and super-focuses. The organization keeps up two objectives: First, Provide the client with what they need, at the point when they need, everything at esteem and besides, cooperation through absolute reliance on partners to regard clients as they would need to be dealt with. Their business procedure is to give notable name brands at a regular low cost. Wal-Mart has a wide scope of items advertised. They offer everything from gadgets, motion pictures, books, toys, games, planting supplies, home supplies, photograph advancement, endowments, adornments, and at certain areas even car, optometry, and basic food item strip malls. In working its system of retail locations Wal-Mart pushes their yield to the overall population. Wal-Mart centers their serious needs on bringing the client the most minimal costs by selling in volume. The huge size and choice basically ensures that the store will have what the client needs in stock and at a less expensive cost than contenders. This system permits them to surpass their opposition. So as to encourage the accomplishment of their objectives Wal-Mart has structured their format to suit countless customers at the same time. They fabricate broad stores with wide paths such a significant number of individuals can feel great shopping simultaneously. Wal-Mart has stepped up to the plate and manufacture stores in incalculable country towns and littler urban communities. They have expanded their piece of the overall industry and have increased a respectable name thusly. Simultaneously, this advantage has made a gigantic gracefully chain the executives issue. By what means can Wal-Mart viably keep the entirety of its... ...y at making a proficient gracefully chain all together to beat the opposition on cost and determination has positively paid off. Works Cited Bacheldor, Beth. Data Week. ?Sen. Leahy Calls On Congress to Study RFID.? Gotten to 4/30/04. http://www.informationweek.com/story/showArticle.jhtml?ArticleID=18402616 Beatty, Vernon L., Jr. ?You Gonna Be a Greeter Accessed 4/30/04. http://www.almc.army.mil/alog/issues/janfeb97/ms046.htm. Bianco, Anthony and Zellner, Wendy. Business Week. ?Is Wal-Mart Too Ground-breaking Accesed 5/3/04. http://www.businessweek.com/maganize/content/03_04/b3852001_mz001.htm ?Carrers.? Wal-Mart. Gotten to 4/30/04. http://www.walmartstores.com/wmstores/wmstores. Fishman, Charles. Quick Company. ?The Wal-Mart You Don?t Know.? Gotten to 5/2/04. http://www.fastcompany.com/magazine/77/walmart.html Heizer, Jay and Render, Barry. Activities Management. Seventh Version. Pearson Prentice Hall. New Jersey, 2004. ?Stauffer v. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.? US Department of Labor. Gotten to 4/30/04. http://www.oalj.dol.gov/open/wblower/decsn/99sta21c.htm ?Wal-Mart Effect? Gotten to 5/3/04. http://www.wordspy.com/words/Wal-Marteffect.asp.

Why Powerful Men Sexually Harass Women

Why Powerful Men Sexually Harass Women We know from ongoing examinations that a large portion of the workforce in the US is female. What's more, were likewise very much aware that however the numbers might be equivalent, the force dispersion isnt. Just 15 ladies filled in as CEOs of Fortune 500 organizations in 2009. Indeed, even at the upper and center degrees of the executives and authority, men prevail. What's more, with power comes misuse. At the point when a lady documents a lewd behavior objection, its infrequently about an associate badgering her. Its generally a chief, administrator, or somebody higher up the natural pecking order. Recounted proof recommends that for certain men, power gives openings and access. Numerous culprits dangle potential employments, increases in salary, or advancements before ladies with the suggestion that if youre pleasant to me, Ill be pleasant to you. Be that as it may, is inappropriate behavior about sex and desire, or control and mastery? Is power the impetus that flips the off switch into an on position for certain men who might somehow not carry on along these lines in the event that they werent in control? The individuals who study human conduct will in general concur that influential men explicitly badger ladies more than men on equivalent balance with their female collaborators, however what triggers that is begging to be proven wrong. Most, in any case, concur that lewd behavior isn't about want however control. Noted legitimate researcher Catharine A. MacKinnon has practical experience in sex equity issues under sacred and worldwide law. In her book Directions in Sexual Harassment Law co-composed with Reva B. Siegel, MacKinnon states: ...[S]exual provocation is...the articulation, in sexual terms, of intensity, benefit, or dominance....To comprehend inappropriate behavior principally as far as lost sexual want isn't right for a large number of similar reasons that it is a slip-up to comprehend assault as basically a wrongdoing of enthusiasm or desire. acknowledgment of relational violencethe want to overwhelm womenhigh authoritarianismdifficulty seeing others’ points of view (trouble being empathetic)belief in sex-job stereotypesendorsement of stereotypic perspectives on male sex-job standards While the propensity is to interface the above qualities to male conduct, it may be progressively exact to accuse hormones explicitly an excess of testosterone. Generally perceived as a central point in prevailing conduct, testosterone likewise impacts men in different ways (and can also impact ladies with raised levels in their own bodies). Expounding on The Testosterone Curse for Psychology Today, Leon F. Seltzer, Ph.D. takes note of the numerous attributes related with high-T (high testosterone) guys: ...[D]ominant people additionally will in general be incredibly serious, and are as often as possible blessed with whats ordinarily known as the executioner sense. ....[I]n relentless organizations, its evidently an asset....[but] a driving need to contend with others sabotages the sympathy, getting, resistance, and empathy important to continue close, caring relationships.At its most exceedingly terrible, high-T strength and seriousness can include beast power, brutality, and battling conduct of all kinds....Their increasingly delicate sentiments actually blunted by raised testosterone levels, they tend not to be especially concerned aboutor, so far as that is concerned, intrigued inthe sentiments of others....Sadly, theres is by all accounts something about high testosterone levels that adds to a practically savage casing of mind....Complementing this inclination to be indiscreet, rash, or even wild, are an assortment of research discoveries demonstrating that high-testosterone guy s are bound to be hasty, restless, unreliable.... As indicated by anthropologist and antiquarian Laura Betzig, the purpose of legislative issues is sex. She refers to rulers from the beginning of time who routinely occupied with inappropriate behavior and rape, including: For what reason is each man with a major group of concubines an autocrat? Since gathering womenâ€like tribute, similar to work, as homageâ€tends to require power. People...tend to surrender favors on two records. One is, they recover some help; the other is, they get beat up in the event that they dont. There are, to put it plainly, positive and negative assents. since they can Influential men have a both an overactive moxie when contrasted with typical men, however they are additionally all the more ready to bet that they can pull off their sexual activities....[I]n my sentiment, it is simply the situation of intensity that makes men egotistical, narcissistic, egocentric, oversexed, neurotic, dictatorial, and desiring significantly more force, however there are exemptions to this standard. Influential men for the most part have a sharp eye for female magnificence and attractiveness....Every willing lady affirms the intensity of the ground-breaking man....It isn't too theoretical to even consider thinking that influential men live in a sexualized or eroticized world. In addition to the fact that they expect to engage in sexual relations at whatever point they extravagant, yet they additionally expect that each lady is continually ready to offer this assistance, and appreciate it. They are...opportunistic and simply take what they need. It presumably comes a s a total amazement when someone doesn't agree. The prohibition, and the attention to offense, makes the sex considerably progressively appealing... Sources:Betzig, Laura. Sex ever. Michigan Today, michigantoday.umich.edu. Walk 1994.MacKinnon, Catharine A. what's more, Reva B. Siegel. Headings in Sexual Harassment Law. p. 174. Yale University Press. 2004Seltzer, Leon F., Ph.D. The Testosterone Curse (Part 2). PsychologyToday.com. 6 May 2009.Sex and Power: Powerful Men Have an Overactive Libido. Spiegel Online. 27 May 2011.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Precedent vs. Precedence

Point of reference versus Priority Point of reference versus Priority Point of reference versus Priority By Maeve Maddox A section in a paper article incited this email from a peruser: Im frowning at a Virginia paper passage:the first paid occasion held at the house territory, which may set priority for future occasions I accept the creator isn't stating this may make the future occasions start things out. It would be ideal if you talk about the distinction among points of reference and priority. The similitude of elocution is maybe one reason for disarray between points of reference [PRES-ih-dents] and priority [PRES-ih-dence], yet the blunder likewise happens with priority and particular point of reference. The words are firmly related in root and significance. Among the implications of Latin praecädäns are â€Å"a individual who goes in front,† â€Å"a individual who positions above,† and â€Å"a earlier event.† The thing priority may have started as a mistaken spelling of the plural of point of reference, however it has obtained its very own unmistakable importance. Priority implies, â€Å"the certainty of being above or in front of another or others all together, position, or importance.† A typical figure of speech is â€Å"to take precedence,† meaning â€Å"to appreciate the privilege of going before others in functions and social formalities.† A site on political convention for the nation of Saint Lucia gives a case of this use: The Prime Minister, similar to the Governor-General, as the Head of Government, is qualified for specific benefits and courtesies.â He/she has the privilege of priority in all conditions, with the exception of when the Governor-General is in participation. Things just as individuals may â€Å"take precedence† in the feeling of being regarded above something different. A case of this utilization happens in a discourse by a head administrator of Singapore: For a strict individual, still, small voice and strict conviction outweigh the laws of the state, yet in a multi-strict society like our own, it gets critical to keep religion carefully separate from governmental issues. A point of reference is â€Å"a past case taken for instance or rule by which to be guided in comparable cases or circumstances.† A typical figure of speech is â€Å"to set a precedent.† In a legitimate setting, a point of reference is a legal choice that establishes a definitive model for ensuing comparable cases. For instance: â€Å"Griswold v. Connecticutâ served as a significant point of reference in the Roe v. Wadeâ decision.† Here, with amendments, are some normal blunders in the utilization of priority for point of reference: Wrong: A court administering expected soon-originating from community to pretrial data in the William Cruse murder case-may set a priority in what can be accounted for in criminal cases before preliminaries. Right : A court administering expected soon-originating from free to pretrial data in the William Cruse murder case-may start a trend in what can be accounted for in criminal cases before preliminaries. Off base: If the studio accomplishes anyplace close to a similar measure of achievement theyve seen with Cinderella, which has netted almost $160 million since its March 13 discharge, it might set a priority for all the more cutting edge flicks to come. Right : If the studio accomplishes anyplace close to a similar measure of progress theyve seen with Cinderella, which has earned about $160 million since its March 13 discharge, it might start a trend for all the more no frills flicks to come. Mistaken: The Kyoto Protocol has setâ a noteworthy precedenceâ for atmosphere target exchanges later on, and especially as for separation of targets betweenâ countries. Right : The Kyoto Protocol has setâ a noteworthy point of reference for atmosphere target arrangements later on, and especially as for separation of targets betweenâ countries. Need to improve your English in a short time a day? Get a membership and begin accepting our composing tips and activities day by day! Continue learning! Peruse the Misused Words classification, check our well known posts, or pick a related post below:Comparative Forms of Adjectives5 Brainstorming Strategies for WritersBail Out versus Bundle Out

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Common Symptoms After a Traumatic Event

Common Symptoms After a Traumatic Event PTSD Symptoms Print Common Symptoms After a Traumatic Event By Matthew Tull, PhD twitter Matthew Tull, PhD is a professor of psychology at the University of Toledo, specializing in post-traumatic stress disorder. Learn about our editorial policy Matthew Tull, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on November 23, 2019 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes & Risk Factors Treatment Living With In Children Frank P wartenberg/Getty Images Many people will experience some kind of traumatic event  â€" from the unexpected death of a loved one to a motor vehicle accident â€" at some point in their lifetime. However, not all people will develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after a traumatic event. Although someone might not develop PTSD, they may develop PTSD-like symptoms immediately after a traumatic event. Many of these symptoms are actually common reactions to a traumatic event. What Are Normal Symptoms? So, what is a normal symptom and what is an abnormal symptom? This is difficult to answer as everyones response to a traumatic event  is different. However, there are some common symptoms that may be expected to occur after a traumatic event. Common reactions to a traumatic event are described below. Intrusive thoughts and memories. After a traumatic event, it is common to experience some intrusive thoughts and memories of the traumatic event. This is especially likely to occur when you encounter something (for example, a person, place or image) that reminds you of the traumatic event.Hypervigilance. It is also very natural to feel more on-guard and aware of your surroundings after a traumatic event. This is actually a very protective symptom following a traumatic event. Your body is attempting to keep you safe by making you more aware of potential sources of threat and danger. This natural safety mechanism is going to be more sensitive after a traumatic event is experienced.Hyperarousal. Just as you are going to likely be more on-guard, you are also likely going to feel more keyed-up and on edge following a traumatic event. This is again part of your bodys natural protection system. Fear and anxiety tell us that there is some kind of danger present, and all the bodily sensations that go along with fear and anxiety are essentially designed to help us respond to that danger. They are preparing us to flee, freeze or to fight. Following a traumatic event, your bodys alarm system is going to be more sensitive in an attempt to protect you from future traumatic events.Feeling Unsafe. After a traumatic event, our assumptions about the world being a safe and secure place are understandably shattered. Consequently, people may feel as though any situation or place is potentially dangerous. Places or situations you once felt secure in may now feel threatening and be anxiety-provoking. This is especially likely to occur in situations or places that remind you of your traumatic event. As you read through some symptoms that commonly occur following a traumatic event, you will notice that most are symptoms of PTSD. It is important to remember that just because you have these symptoms does not mean you have PTSD.First, although the symptoms below can be distressing, they are often much less severe and intense than the symptoms found in PTSD.In addition, PTSD cannot be diagnosed until at least 30 days following a traumatic event. This is because many PTSD-like symptoms are actually part of your bodys natural response to a traumatic event, and for many people, these symptoms will gradually reduce over time. Symptoms to Keep an Eye out For The symptoms presented below can be a sign that you may be at risk for developing PTSD. They may cause the symptoms listed above to become worse, eventually leading to PTSD. Therefore, it is very important to be aware of the following symptoms. Loss of interest. It is important to keep an eye out for a loss of interest in activities that you used to once enjoy, as well as feelings of being detached from others. This symptom can be a sign that you are ?at  risk of becoming depressed. This symptom may also cause you to isolate yourself from others, including important sources of social support.Avoidance. After a traumatic event, it is very common to avoid certain situations, activities or people. However, you must pay attention to avoidance behaviors. Avoidance usually leads to more avoidance as it reinforces our belief that the world is not a safe place after a traumatic event. This avoidance can then lead to a worsening of symptoms and eventually PTSD.Unhealthy coping behaviors. Just as avoidance of activities, situations or people can be problematic, so can the avoidance of thoughts and feelings. The symptoms people experience after a traumatic event can be very distressing. As a result, people may rely on unhealthy coping strategies (for example, using substances) as a way of avoiding these symptoms. Avoidance is only a short-term solution, and in the long-run, it can actually cause your feelings and thoughts to become more intense. What You Can Do Following a Traumatic Event After a traumatic event, it is very important to put into place healthy coping strategies, such as using social support, and minimizing unhealthy coping strategies, such as avoidance through alcohol or drugs. Validate your feelings. You dont have to force yourself to talk to others about how you feel; however, it is important you dont try to push away your feelings. It may also be helpful to establish a regular routine or schedule. Traumatic events can greatly disrupt a persons life. They may make a person feel that their life is out-of-control and unpredictable. A regular set schedule can help bring some order and predictability to your life. Although this wont take away anxiety related to a traumatic event, it may help with other sources of anxiety in your life. In setting a schedule, it is important that you put aside time focused on self-care activities. Dont use your schedule as a way to simply keep busy (for example, throwing yourself into your work) so you dont have time to think about the traumatic event. Finally, it may be helpful to talk with a therapist. There are several websites that provide free searches to help you find appropriate mental health providers in your area. A therapist can provide support, as well as help you better understand the symptoms you are experiencing.